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Golang shall rise!


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A little facetious, but it's my go to for just about everything. Tools, malware, etc. Thread for help and tips/tricks for milking every ounce of performance out of it.  

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Honestly, I prefer python unless I need something with native performance. My typical litmus test is "will it need threads". If no, Python's a go. 

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I love GoLang for many reasons, but in most scenarios I just use python.  Similarly with what Marcus wrote, if I needs performance I'll use GoLang.
I am currently learning Rust, and It's quite a struggle, but I am enjoying it's syntax and how it kind-of forces me to write good code.

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As a language theory nerd, there's so much about golang I want to love, and so much that rubs we the wrong way. Wish I liked it more, because I love the syntax and support for channels. Closest thing to Erlang that's usable

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I live in python mostly, but I love that golang compiles down into a raw binary that I can make

FROM scratch

docker containers with.  Python containers always seem so bloated comparatively.

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57 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

Any suggestions for beginners, like a beginner to advanced course? I like tutorials with projects to help grasp concepts but isn't too necessary.

I started by using the playground that go.dev provides 

That's pretty sufficient for covering the basics, then I moved on to project based learning, choosing something I wanted to make, then googling the pieces I needed to make it work. A classic I usually recommend is some kind of DnD Character sheet. You ending up managing all types of variables, get a user's interaction, saving stuff to file to use again, and much more, as much as you want to pack in. 

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2 minutes ago, habitual said:

I started by using the playground that go.dev provides 

That's pretty sufficient for covering the basics, then I moved on to project based learning, choosing something I wanted to make, then googling the pieces I needed to make it work. A classic I usually recommend is some kind of DnD Character sheet. You ending up managing all types of variables, get a user's interaction, saving stuff to file to use again, and much more, as much as you want to pack in. 

Thank you so much. 

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Most projects I've deployed are in server less environments (AWS Lambda, GCP Cloud Function, etc) where you pay for CPU time so I've defaulted to using Go to save 💰. At first there was a little learning curve from other languages but now whenever working in Python I am in pain cause of the lack of good type hints in text editors and native testing support I got used to 🤷‍♂️.

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I really like Golang for anything that has to do w/ a long running client that has to interact with one or many web servers (scraping, enumeration of web resources) or for a server that needs to serve lots of requests quickly. It also makes a decent implant in certain instances 😉


Python for anything quick and dirty.

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16 hours ago, Jimmy said:

Any suggestions for beginners, like a beginner to advanced course? I like tutorials with projects to help grasp concepts but isn't too necessary.

not a course but go by example is a really good list of example programs and common patterns in go i found myself referencing a lot when learning: https://gobyexample.com/

Edited by aiakared
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Golang is pretty fun. I use it at my job as a backend for many of our internal tools. 

I learned basic Golang from the official online tutorial and the book "Black Hat Go"(which has the best art of the Golang gopher IMO).



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I think Go has already established itself as a pretty good alternative for Python when it comes to tooling. Like @MalwareTech said, I also prefer Python tbh but most of the tools I for pentests and bug hunting are written in Go. And I know Go is already at a pretty good level because I've been postponing learning it for so long...

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On 11/5/2022 at 10:33 PM, Jimmy said:

Any suggestions for beginners, like a beginner to advanced course? I like tutorials with projects to help grasp concepts but isn't too necessary.

I started learning Go with John Leon's "Security with Go" book.  His book teaches it in context to how you'd use it in cybersecurity, if that is your field.  I wrote my first Go program on GitHub from a few chapters of this book (https://github.com/thedunston/troublevent). "Blackhat Go" is another good resource.

The website guru99 walks through the many features of Go, as well: https://www.guru99.com/google-go-tutorial.htmll

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Golang is cool and I totally understand why people like it. I personally like it too but I've been using python for so long and it seems to have a larger community due to it's age that I just prefer it, like others have said here already. 

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I have been using Go off and on for a few years now, and it really feels nice to have a gin based microservice just work and give good perf by default.

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