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 This is a friendly community and all members are expected to be respectful. Discussion and debate is encouraged, but users must remain civil at all times. 🙂

⚠️ We have a zero-tolerance policy on hate speech. Engaging in any such conduct will result in an immediate permanent ban. Hate speech is any abusive speech or behavior towards someone based on race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, immigration status, sexual orientation, sex, gender, or gender identity. ⚠️


  1. No hate speech of any kind. This will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  2. All skillsets are welcome. Mocking will result in an account suspension.
  3. No harassments.
  4. No NSFW content.
  5. No doxing (publishing of personal information without consent).
  6. No advertising outside of the self-promotion forum.
  7. No promotion of criminal activity.
  8. No spamming.
  9. Don't derail threads with off topic content.
  10. Always be respectful, even if you disagree.
  11. Feel free to contact staff if you have any concerns.

If you see a user violating the rules, please report them. Reports are not forwarded to users and are deleted from the database after processing. If you wish to discuss something sensitive and are not comfortable doing so on site, please DM 'Admin' and request an alternate form of communication.

For rule violations that result in warnings, the warning thresholds are as follows:

  1. No further action
  2. All further posts will be manually reviewed by a moderator for 1 day
  3. Your ability to post will be suspended for 1 day
  4. Your ability to post will be suspended for 2 days
  5. Your ability to post will be suspended for 1 week
  6. Your account will be permanently banned

Please note that warning thresholds are minimum guidelines, more significant action may be taken.

Please have fun and enjoy the forum! If you have any suggestions, let us know in the suggestion forum. 😃

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